
Assessment of pupils’ learning is very important and helps teachers to move learning forward so children achieve well.


The principles that underpin our assessment system are:


  • Every child can achieve: teachers at Emmanel have the mindset, ‘What do I need to do next to enable a child in my class to achieve?’
  • The National Curriculum objectives will be used as the expectations for all children.
  • Pupils will make age appropriate progress from their different starting points – 12 months in 12 months, more for those who need to 'close the gap' to reach age related expectations.
  • The curriculum is essential to good assessment ensuring we teach and assess the right things at the right time. The curriculum is designed to ensure that children know and remember more over time and we use a range of assessment strategies to measure this.
  • Teachers are experts at assessment - assessment will be effectively used to ensure the correct scaffolding is built into lessons to ensure all children achieve.


End of Key Stage Assessment


Nationally all children have to be assessed at the end of Foundation Stage, at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) and at the end of Key stage 2 (Year 6). Here ate Emmanuel our children join us in Year 3 and we use Key Stage 1 data to help us precisely identify the children’s starting points.

In KS1 and 2 children are assessed as:


  • Working towards the expected standard
  • Working at the expected standard
  • Working at Greater depth


At Emmanuel the children then take KS2 tests set out by the Government for the end of Year 6 and they are given a scaled score to help parents understand how well the children have achieved.



If you want more information please see the attached guidance booklets from the DFE please click below


Guidance Booklet


Or take a look at this website designed to support parents and carers: Click here


Assessment information for parents - KS2


How do we assess pupils' learning across school as a whole?

There are two different types of assessment:


1.      Formative Assessment (AfL - Assessment for Leaning & Teacher Assessment)

2.      Summative Assessment (Data gathering from formal tests, STAT, assessments & SEN Reviews)


  • Formative Assessment is an integral part of all lessons & is used to directly impact on teaching & future planning. Both verbal feedback & learning dialogue through marking allows children to have a partnership in this process, enabling the best outcomes for all pupils.
  • Summative Assessments support children’s learning by identifying gaps in understanding & tracking progress at the end of a period of time. They involve each teacher making a judgement about whether your child is at the expected standard for their year group. All children are catered for & included by providing for individual needs, but also are challenged to fulfil their potential without putting a limit on the depth of understanding. National expectations & progress descriptors are used alongside Rising Stars tests to describe where the children fit within the national picture of assessing without levels. Teachers are required to submit data onto the tracking system three times each year which then generates various graphs & tables. These are then used by the teacher themselves to judge the progress of individuals & groups as well as pitch learning according to ability. This information is also analysed by the Executive Headteacher/Head of School to produce a detailed Pupil Progress & Attainment Report which covers all assessment information for each year group & gives areas of strength as well as areas upon which to improve. These are shared with class teachers, the SENDCO and Governors.


We have developed a very clear system which formally assesses at the end of each term each year, with children being judged as the following:


  • WTS: Working towards the standard for the year group at that point in the year.
  • EXS: At the expected standard for the year group at that point in the year.
  • GDS: Working at a standard above what is expected (Greater Depth Standard) at that point in the year.


Children who are working at the greater depth standard are given the opportunity to add more depth and breadth to their knowledge, and to have more opportunities to develop their using and applying skills. They are calling this phase of learning Mastery and Depth


Our Approach to Assessment

Assessment Calendar 2022-23