History at Emmanuel will allow our children to discover and research the past in a range of ways using a range of different historical skills. By using their imagination, our children will be encouraged to make links between the past, the present and the future whilst having fun and exploring some of the more gruesome and exciting elements of history.
The History curriculum will provide opportunities for memorable trips that will inspire and embed the childrens' learning providing them with historical knowledge and a love of History. We hope that our varied history curriculum will enable our children to talk about significant historical people and the impact they have made on our lives today as well as leaving us with a sound knowledge of British and Ancient world history.
'History is who we are and why we are the way we are.'
Our Curriculum has been created in line with the National Curriculum: CLICK below
History Intent and Implementation
History Intent and Implementation
History Progression
History knowledge and vocabulary progression
History Progression in Disciplinary Knowledge
Historical concept spiralisation
Teacher Knowledge Booklets
Year 3 Teacher Knowledge Pre-Historic Times
Year 3 Teacher Knowledge Egyptians
Year 4 Teacher Knowledge Roman Britain
Year 4 Teacher Knowledge Steel City
Year 4 Teacher Knowledge Rosa Parks
Year 5 Teacher Knowledge Anglo Saxons and Vikings
Year 5 Teacher Knowledge Greeks